Homily 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - November 17, 2024
Today's readings can be found here : Our readings today speak of two things: judgement and preparedness. Our first reading from Daniel and the Gospel tells us that during the end times angels will go out to gather the righteous. However, there will be horror and disgrace for the non-righteous. That sounds a little frightening! None of us want to be judged poorly, right? As human beings, we worry about being judged, what others may think of us. Who hasn’t been told by their parents “You can’t go out looking like that, what will people think!” If we’re concerned about the judgement of others, how much more might we fear God’s judgement? Especially if we don’t know when that will be? This is why Jesus tells us to be prepared. Only God the Father knows when the end and the final judgement ...